Game Jam

October 20th to 22nd

The great game developers' meeting for creating a game from scratch in 48 hours,

according to the themes disclosed by the organization before the start of the event.




hours of production


days of mentoring


(EN, PT, ES)


Stage 1 - Setup

Assemble your team and sign up You can also choose the categories that your game will apply *none, 1 ou more!

Stage 2 - Production

Choose the theme(s), develop your game and send it for review

Stage 3 - Results

Your game is evaluated and you compete for spots in upcoming stages You can compete for extra awards accordingly to the selected categories

Stage 1 - Setup

Assemble your team

Each venue has a team-building dynamic. You can attend the jam alone or as a group, or join with others to form a team! There is no restriction on the number of people in the team! You can do it alone, in doubles, or more!
It is interesting that you have people with the following skills on your team:

  • Programming
  • Design
  • Project management
  • Someone to do the presentations (pitch)
  • Someone for sound to enhance the game experience

Make your registration

GJ+ is in over 70 locations worldwide, in person, hybrid or online! Visit our registration page and choose the venue you wish to attend.
After your registration, the venue organization will provide you with detailed information on the location.
More information about the GJ+ can be found in the GJ+ Rules and Regulations, on the Eventbrite registration pages and with the local organization representative.

Choose your categories

The categories are challenges proposed by the GJ+ organization itself or by sponsors. If achieved, they convert into jammer awards and even new business opportunities for the game! At the Game Jam you can create the game you want! Categories are optional and exist as additional inspiration and motivation in the process! You can enter your game in none, one or more categories.



The Game Jam is a 3-day event with several stages of production for the development of your game.



The evaluation of the first stage of the Game Jam to compete for spots in the Incubation and Continental Finals is done by a jury of the venues, using an evaluation form whose criteria were suggested by the global institution. Some venues may have additional local rating criteria.
The special categories will have their own selection criteria, according to the conditions informed in the category manual.


Base-Award: GJ+ Incubation!

This year, there will be no evaluation of results by the Global Team in the First Stage, but each local branch can conduct local assessments. Teams that wish to do so will have the opportunity to undergo an Incubation process to improve the game created in Stage 1 - Game Jam! The meetings are held with various experts in the games market during a mentoring cycle!

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